Expanding your Leadership Repertoire

The lauded Waking Up the Workplace interview series was conducted in 2011 with some of the greatest minds in conscious business.

Our interviews have been accessed over 20,000 times since then.

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In This Free Interview We Explore…

Bill Joiner shares his work around Leadership Agility, and the challenges of today’s business landscape.


Bill Joiner

Bill Joiner

Expanding your Leadership Repertoire

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About Bill

Bill Joiner is co-author of Leadership Agility, which won the Integral Leadership Review’s Reader’s Choice Award for best Integral leadership book of the year. This is a practical, research-based book that documents the stages through which a leader’s consciousness can develop, and details how the depth and breadth of a leader’s actions change in concert with this evolution of consciousness. Among other things, leaders who act congruently from the later stages create organizations that embody conscious business ideals.

Bill is a seasoned leadership expert and organizational change consultant, who speaks about Leadership Agility and partners with senior leaders to develop empowering, high performing teams and organizations. He is also co-developer, with Cambria Consulting, of the Leadership Agility 360, a new developmental assessment that coaches around the world are using in organizations as varied as Bell Canada, Glaxo Smith Kline, IBM, Pfizer, the Royal Canadian Mint, Santander, and the United Nations.

Bill has worked with many companies, including AstraZenica, EMC, Harvard Business School, McKinsey, MIT, PepsiCo, Polaroid, Sun Microsystems, and Sunoco.  He has a BA and MBA from Southern Methodist University and earned his Doctorate in Organization Development at Harvard.