The 5 Principles of Online Marketing

brettandewanOver the last year or so I (Ewan) have been working with my good friend and Waking Up the Workplace interviewee Brett Thomas on a REALLY exciting new initiative. The Conscious Business Coalition has gone through several iterations, a 6 month pilot phase, and an in-pouring of love and hard work.

What’s it about? Helping inspiring people like you build and grown their own Conscious Businesses!

So, as a Christmas gift to you, here’s a class that Brett and i taught together earlier this year.

In this class, you will experience…

  • Why online business is changing the world as we know it
  • How to use online marketing to bring your own wisdom out into the world (without being yukky)
  • How to design an online marketing funnel to build your business sustainably
  • Why being authentic is the key to practicing marketing that works

Much of my expertise in online marketing has come from experimenting with Waking Up the Workplace, and even use it as an example in the class! I hope you enjoy it!

And I’ll be in touch in the New Year with more information on the CBC if you’re interested.




Download the Class

Date of Interview: 24th December 2013



Download the Slides

Date of Interview: 24th December 2013