You Don’t Have To Be Integral To Practice Integral Leadership
The lauded Waking Up the Workplace interview series was conducted in 2011 with some of the greatest minds in conscious business.
Our interviews have been accessed over 20,000 times since then.
Listen to the entire series for free and access the transformative power of conscious business.
In This Free Interview We Explore…
Brett Thomas, a founding member of the Integral Business and Leadership Center takes us on a whirlwind tour through the nature of leadership, why it’s crucial for creating conscious business, and why Integral Leadership can be the ipod of conscious change work.

Brett Thomas
You don't have to be Integral to practice Integral Leadership
Download the dialogue with Brett below, or stream it here on the page by pressing the play button. We hope you enjoy it!
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About Brett
Brett is the co-founder of Stagen, a Texas-based organizational consulting firm that specializes in Integral Leadership. He is the author and architect of the Stagen Leadership Academy’s 52-week intensive Integral Leadership Program (now in its 10th year). Brett is a 20-year veteran in the field of human performance and organizational development having designed and facilitated hundreds of workshops and corporate training programs. Brett has logged over 10,000 hours coaching CEOs.
He has published hundreds of pages of applied integral theory and has co-designed and co-delivered numerous international conferences and seminars on applied integral theory. Brett served many years as the Managing Director of the Integral Institute Business and Leadership Center and on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Integral Theory and Practice. Brett currently serves on the boards of both Integral Leadership Review and Integral Publishers. He is writing a book with Russ Volckmann on the subject of Integral Leadership.