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Gaston Schmitz

Email: gastonschmitz@gmail.com

Joined on: May 23rd, 2012


Entrepreneur and coach with formal working experience in 19 mostly developing countries. I choose to cultivate mindfulness in my daily work. Professional experience with marketing in developing countries (Unilever Mozambique), project management to coach entrepreneurs in the South-East Europe (Spark) and for the last 4 years managing an international NGO focused on connecting community responses to key development issues like HIV and malaria in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean (the Constellation). My spiritual practice consists mainly of yoga and Zen meditation. I co-facilitate a weekly group in the style of Thich Nhat Hanh and enjoy a daily yoga practice. My goal is to be happy, joyful and peaceful. From that place, I use strength-based and conscious facilitation to reveal the potential of groups and communities towards achieving great results.