Fred is the author of the book ‘Conscious Business’ and president of Axialent, a consulting firm that works with top businesses, such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft. Fred is one of our very favourite teachers in the field and we’re honoured to have him teach on this course.
What you will experience during this class:
- How to take unconditional responsibility, releasing you to be a player at work, rather than be a victim of circumstance
- Why understanding the spiritual essence of business can help you connect the dots between the marketplace and your unique mission
- Why being a learner vs. a knower means you don’t need to know all the right answers, and instead enable you to get curious about what you don’t understand
- Why emotional mastery lies at the heart of being an agent of Conscious Business
- How practicing authentic communication lets you meet people where they’re at, resolve conflicts and create intimacy and effectiveness
Resources to check out as preparation for the class:

Entering the Marketplace with Open Hands
This is our original Waking Up the Workplace interview with Fred Kofman, in which he brings his immense wisdom and presence to a beautiful call covering the meaning of work to him, his spiritual practices, and the ultimate purpose of business.
(Flash needed for streaming ": Entering the Marketplace with Open Hands")
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Summary of Fred Kofman's 'Conscious Business'
This is Jeroen’s summary of Fred Kofman’s book Conscious Business, which has been floating around the internet for ages!
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Business-Sattva: The Business Bodhisattva
Fred’s infamous whitepaper on his conscious philosophy of business. Wonderful stuff.
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The Ladder of Inference
A nice short article on how we draw unwarranted conclusions with other people, and how to play a different way.
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Check-In: Setting the Right Context
An article on the power of doing ‘check-ins’ to transform your meetings (which is where so many of us spend most of our time!).
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Observations and Assessments
An article on the difference between observations and assessments, and the huge effect that those have in our interactions through language.
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Bonus Materials

Multi Step Communication
An excellent Axialent paper by Fred Kofman on authentic communication.
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HolacracyOne Community of Practice dialogue between Brian Robertson, Fred Kofman & Christiane Schneider
On Thursday, June 21st, 2012 (the day after the class), Fred and his wife Christiane Schneider engaged in a 90-minute dialogue with Brian Robertson, who you will remember taught the class for module 3 of this course. The context for the call is the community of practice that Brian’s organization HolacracyOne created around the practice of Holacracy.
In this conversation, Brian, Fred and Christiane talk about a number of wide-ranging topics that are very relevant to conscious business, including free markets and property rights, evolutionary organization, government and their use of power, and how all of that relates to the practice of Holacracy. Warning: this dialogue will likely challenge many of your beliefs and assumptions – listen to it at your own risk 😉
Download it by right-clicking the link below and selecting ‘Save as’:
Bonus dialogue between Brian Robertson, Fred Kofman & Christiane Schneider
Download the Class Recording and Workbook

Class 5 Recording
(Flash needed for streaming ": Class 5 Recording")
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Class 5 Workbook
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